Ebraheem Al Samadi

Ebraheem Al Samadi

Birthday January 15, 1988
Age 36 Years (January, 2025)
Birth Place Kuwait
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Brown
Religion Islam
Ethnicity Kuwaiti-American
Relationship Status Married
Net Worth $50.00 Million


Ebraheem Al Samadi is a Kuwaiti-American entrepreneur and reality television personality, best known as the founder and CEO of Forever Rose and as a cast member of the Netflix series "Dubai Bling."

Early Life

Born in Kuwait on January 15, 1988, Ebraheem moved to the United States at the age of two and was raised in Florida. He began his entrepreneurial journey at 14, selling thrift shop items on eBay from his mother's apartment, eventually becoming one of eBay's top 1000 Power Sellers.


In 2015, Ebraheem acquired Forever Rose and expanded its presence across the Middle East, diversifying the brand into cafes and other luxury ventures. He also serves as the CEO of the Al Samadi Group, a holding company with multiple brands under its umbrella.